wch is the best cllg for cse below 40000 ranking in kcet
see cutoff score changes in every year and it depends on certain factors like number of applicants, questions difficulty level, seat matrix, students category etc. since you have not mentioned any particular category, considering as general merit of below 40000 rank, here is the few colleges as per the last years cutoff,
Acharya Institute of Technology,Soldevanahalli,Hesarghatta Main Road,Bangalore
Adhichunchanagiri Institute of Technology,P.B.No - 91,Jyothinagar Post,Chickmagalur
Atria Institute of Technology,1ST Main Road, AG's Colony,ASKB Campus, Anandanagar,Bangalore
Ballari Institute of Technology and Management,'Jnana Gangotri', 873/2,Bellary-Hospet road,Near Allipur Bellary
Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology,Near Heelalige Railway Station,Anekal Taluk,Chandapura, Bangalore
Basaveshwara Engineering College,P.B. No.53,Vidyagiri,NIJALINGAPPA,Bagalkot
Cambridge Institutute of Technology,Basavanapura Main Road,K R Puram,Bangalore
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE).
RV College of Engineering.
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE)
National Institute of Engineering (NIE)
BMS Institute of Technology and Management.
Malnad College of Engineering.
You may use Careers360 kcet college predictor tool to know your predictable colleges
KCET Sample Papers
Students looking for KCET preparation, can download free question paper from here.