What will be my obc category rank in UPSEE 2020 Exam if i had score 204 marks and in which colleges i can get CS or IT?
Congratulations for getting 204 marks in upsee. Its very hard to give exact rank as rank of upsee vary every year based on different factor. One can predict expected rank by analysing past year trends.
Factor affecting rank -
1. No of students
2. No of seats
3. Difficulty of paper
4. past year trends
You expected rank will be around 13- 15k obc category rank
Colleges you can get with this rank
1. Ucer Allahabad
2. United institute greater noida
3.Rkgit ghaziabad
4. GL bajaj
5. Nitra
You can get list of best college according to your rank using careers 360 college predictor tool
Hope this will help
Best of luck.