what is the full syllabus for zoology honours
Here is the syllabus for BSC zoology honours:
For semester 1:
Paper1: Non-chordate diversity and systematics
Paper2: Practical based on non-chordate diversity and systematics
Semester 2:
Paper 1: Biochemistry
Paper2: practical based on biochemistry
Semester 3:
Paper 1: Chordate diversity and comparative Anatomy
Paper2: practical based on chordate diversity and comparative anatomy
Paper3: Bioinstrumentation and bio statistics
Paper4: practical based on bio instrumentation and biostatistics
Semester 4:
Paper 1: Biotechniques, biostatistics and ethology
Paper2: practical based on Biotechniques, biostatistics and Ethology
Paper3: Developmental biology
Paper 4: Practical based on developmental biology
Semester 5:
Paper1: Genetics and evolution
Paper2: practical based on Genetics and evolution
Paper3: Animal physiology
Paper 4: practical based on animal physiology
Paper 5: Endocrinology
Paper 6: practical based on endocrinology
Paper 7: molecular biology and immunology
Paper 8: practical based on molecular biology and immunology
Semester 6:
Paper 1: parasitology and ethology
Paper 2: practical based on parasitology and ethology
Paper 3: molecular biology and immunology
Paper 4: practical based on molecular biology and immunology
Paper 5: biotechnology and bioinformatics
Paper 6: practical based on biotechnology and bioinformatics and project work
Paper 7: economic Zoology
Paper 8: practical based on economic Zoology
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.