2755 ews rank and 17420 gn rank in upsee iet ki chemical branch mil jayegi kya
As you have secured 17420 overall general rank in UPSEE exam then it is impossible for you to get IET Lucknow. Now even though you are an ews candidate then also you cannot get any branch in IET Lucknow including chemical engineering as per seeing the last year cut off trends.
Last year the highest cutoff closing ranks for ews candidates on the basis of their overall general rank was - 4705 (for chemical engineering, in round 4 counselling).
And your overall general rank is much higher than this, so there is no chance that you can get chemical engineering in IET Lucknow.
Therefore it will be better that you go for some other colleges like uiet Kanpur for some private institutions.
Also check out our upsee college predictor tool to get an appropriate idea of colleges that you can get on basis of your upsee rank :-