what free seat can i get for rank 26620in ts eamcet agriculture and i am st caste
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So , with your rank , it's not really probable that you will get a free seat in agriculture because as you might be knowing, this field of education is progressing and it's demand is increasing day by day and eventually the competition for the same is very tough too. There are many students ahead of you in this area so I'm sorry to tell you that you don't really have much chances of bagging a free seat.
I'll however mention some of the agriculture colleges that accepts TS EAMCET rank :
1. Lumbini Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
2. Aurora's Research and Technological Institute, Warangal
3. Tudi Ram Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
4. Adusumilli Vijaya Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nalgonda
You can also use our college predictor tool to find out all the other colleges you can get into with your rank :
Hope this helps you. Good luck !!
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