hlo iam not qualified ap eamcet i egilible for fee reimbursement or not iam ts students i not qualified for ts eamcet
As per details you have mentioned, you are saying that you have neither qualified TS EAMCET or nor AP EAMCET. So, in this case you will neither get admission (since you were not able to qualify) nor any fee reimbursement. Prepare well and appear next year. Fee reimbursement is for candidates who get admission.
I hope this helps.
Hello student,
If you haven't qualified eamcet then you cannot particiate in eamcet counselling.If you do not participate in eamcet counselling,so i am sorry to say that you are not eligible for any fee reimbursement.The only way you can get into state colleges is through b-category or management quota.I would have given you better analysis if you mentioned your rank. But you can refer the following links for more details -
You can use our college predictor and predict the college you can apply to using the link below
You can check the previous year’s cut-offs here
Feel free to reach out to Careers360 in case you have doubts regarding your career