I have AP eeamcet rank 5789 and female cat also cap reservation can I got govt veterinary in ap
Hello Aspirant,
You have a good rank in AP EAMCET. On a general basis belonging to the unreserved category it would have been little difficult to secure veterinary seat but then you have two advantages ,one being female candidate and the other CAP . So you have a very good chance in getting a good govt. college.The closing rank for the special reservation category female for the three regions (SUV,OU,AU) may vary a bit but your rank is safe. So attend the counselling and hope for the best.You may use the college predictor tool to know all your possibilities :
For previous year cutoffs:
All the best
Hi Aspirant,
Based on your rank you will definitely get seat in government veterinary college in andhrapradesh.Just go through the all counsellings and choose the best.Do follow the counselling process without missing a chance.You have chances of getting seat.
Thank you.
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