What are exams available for me to get a government job in engineering field?
You can go for:
- Railway Engineers:
Getting recruited in Indian Railways is one of the best career options. Railways department recruits on a very large scale every year.The major job profiles in Railways for Engineers are Senior Section Engineer (SSE) and Junior Engineer (JE).Railway Engineer job is considered as one of the most reputed jobs with respectable salary and numerous other benefits. Further, the job pressure and work demand are also manageable.
- PSUs:
Getting recruited in PSUs is one of the most popular options amongst the Engineers.The major hurdle is that PSUs consider GATE score card in recruitment. In case you are desirous of getting recruited in PSUs, you need to qualify GATE exam.PSUs such as BHEL, ONGC, GAIL, IOCL, etc recruit on a large scale every year through different competitive exams.PSUs offer lucrative Perks, work pressure is also less and offer numerous other benefits to their employees.
You need to apply for both exams to get a good job.
Good luck.