Is Dr.B R Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology is good for MBA when compared to Malla reddy or CMR?
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology is good for MBA. But when compared to CMR and Mallareddy Colleges with that, Mallareddy has a better rating than the other two colleges. According to the internet reviews and ratings the Mallareddy College of Engineering and Technology has 3.9 overall rating with a 3.7 placement rating and a 4.1 infrastructure rating. The CMR Institute of Technology has a 3.0 overall rating with a 2.4 placement rating and a 3.2 infrastructure rating. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of management and technology have a 2.8 overall rating with a 1.0 rating in placements and a 4.0 rating in infrastructure.
Hope this answer helps you.
All the best!!!!!