why is no application form showing for NCHM-JEE in the NTA official website? Is is not out yet?
National Testing Agency is the conducting authority for NCHMCT JEE, so far it hasn't released any official notification related to the exam, NCHMCT JEE will be conducted for a duration of three hours in online mode in bilingual language that is Hindi/English with 200 MCQs from sections such as Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude of 30 questions, Reasoning and Logical Dedication of 30 questions, General Knowledge and Current Affairs of 30 questions, English Language of 60 questions, and Aptitude for Service Sector of 50 questions, for each correct answer four marks will be awarded, there is negative marking scheme for each wrong attempt one mark will be deducted.
To know more details regarding NCHM JEE , you can stay updated at the official website at https://nchmjee.nta.nic.in/ or else follow our page at https://hospitality.careers360.com/articles/nchmct-jee for latest updates for the same.