my rank is 13921 for SRMJEE 2021 phase 1? is it enough to get into electrical engineering? please respond quick!
Yes, you have good chances of getting Electrical and Electronics Engineering in SRM University. The expected SRM JEE 2021 Cutoff given by experts for Electrical and Electronics Engineering is around 40000 to 45000. As your SRM JEE 2021 Rank is 13921 so easily you can get Electrical and Electronics Engineering branch in SRM Chennai Campus. The cut-offs changes from year to year and also depends on various factors like number of students appeared in the exam, difficulty level of the exam, number of seats available etc. The fee in SRM Institute of Science and Technology for B.Tech program is Rs. 2.5 Lakhs per year.
To get more information about cut-offs of SRM JEE go through below link.
Hope this information helped you.
Best of Luck!!