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i have selected for two courses in cmc vellore entrance exam is there any possibility to change the first preference course in the admission of cmc vellore? after registration

Nitin Kumar 29th Jun, 2024

This is the most direct approach. Reach out to the CMC Vellore admissions office by phone or email and explain your situation. Ask them if there's any possibility to change your course preference after registration.

If contacting the admissions office isn't feasible, you might have to wait for the seat allocation results. Based on your score and preferences, they will allocate a seat in one of the two courses you selected.

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As Ive scored 83.2 percentile in jee mains 2024. Can I get admission at Amrita University Bangalore in cse branch? Also being an OBC candidate

Nitin Kumar 29th Jun, 2024

It's unlikely to secure a seat in CSE at Amrita University, Bangalore campus with an 83.2 percentile in JEE Mains 2024, even with your OBC reservation.

Amrita University has historically had high cut-off percentiles for CSE, especially at the Bangalore campus. While they don't release the official cut-offs publicly, previous years' trends suggest scores well above 95 percentile for the general category and potentially even higher for OBC in the Bangalore campus.

There are a limited number of seats reserved under the OBC category. With many students likely scoring higher in the OBC category as well, the competition for these seats can be intense.

Amrita University offers various engineering branches besides CSE. You might have a better chance of admission in branches like Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering with your current percentile, especially considering the OBC reservation.

Amrita University conducts its own entrance exam (AEEE) for admission into various engineering programs. While JEE Mains scores play a role, a good score in AEEE can improve your overall chances of securing a seat, even in CSE (though it might still be a reach).

I hope it helps!

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i have won gold medal in the woodball national championship but it was it private tournament so will i get added marks in 10th std i am in Maharashtra

Nitin Kumar 29th Jun, 2024

In most cases, winning a gold medal in a private woodball national championship won't grant you extra marks for your 10th standard exams in Maharashtra.

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) focuses on academic performance measured through the board exams for awarding marks. Achievements in extracurricular activities, even at the national level, typically don't factor into the final marks.

Extracurricular activities that grant extra marks are usually those recognized and officially listed by the MSBSHSE.  These might include participation in national or international events organized by government bodies or affiliated sports associations.

Your school might have a system for recognizing and appreciating student achievements in extracurricular activities, even if they don't translate into marks. This could involve a certificate, trophy presentation, or mention in the school newsletter.

Some private institutions or trusts might offer scholarships to students who excel in specific sports, including woodball. Research potential scholarship opportunities that recognize achievements in woodball, even from private tournaments.

I hope it helps!


i registered in JAC DELHI but forgot to do choice filling,now round -1 counselling completed, round 2 will start bon dt.06/07/24, shall I do choice filling for round2

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


Since you missed the choice filling for Round 1 of JAC Delhi counselling, you can still participate in Round 2. Make sure to complete your choice filling when it opens on 06/07/2024. Missing the first round does not disqualify you from the subsequent rounds, so take this opportunity to fill in your choices promptly.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


why again again Im failing in science 10th ssc even thought Im writing the exams well can revolution can increase my marks?

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


If you're repeatedly failing in your 10th SSC science exams despite feeling confident about your answers, it might be beneficial to get your answer sheets reviewed to pinpoint where you're losing marks. Understanding the marking scheme can also help you tailor your responses more effectively. Additionally, seek feedback from your teachers to gain insights into your performance and identify specific areas for improvement. This focused approach can help you address any recurring issues and potentially increase your marks.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


What is the fees of MA in sociology and MA in education

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


The fees for a Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology and a Master of Arts (MA) in Education can vary widely depending on the institution and country. In India, for example, the fees for MA programs typically range from INR 10,000 to INR 50,000 per year in public universities, while private institutions may charge between INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000 per year

Hope this helps,

Thank you


What are the other bsc medical and paramedical courses offered by GMCH Guwahati?!

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) in Guwahati offers various BSc medical and paramedical courses. Some of the courses available include BSc Nursing, BSc Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT), BSc Radiography and Imaging Technology, BSc Anaesthesiology Technology, and BSc Physician Assistant. These programs cater to students interested in healthcare and allied health professions, providing specialized training and practical experience in their respective fields. Prospective students can visit GMCH's official website or contact the college directly for specific details regarding admission criteria, fees, and curriculum for each course.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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kl University eapcet code of 2024

sadafreen356 28th Jun, 2024

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (Deemed to be University) - Hyderabad, India has eamcet code KLEF you can check from the colleges accepting eamcet score pdf.

Moreover students rank between 1 – 5,000 is termed as a very good TS EAMCET rank 2024 and a 5,001 - 15,000 rank is considered as should score in between to get the college of your choice.all the best

in college course of BA. with NCC IS AVAILABLE

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


Many colleges offer BA courses with the option to participate in the National Cadet Corps (NCC). NCC is a voluntary organization that aims to develop leadership, discipline, and a spirit of adventure among the youth. Students enrolled in BA programs can typically join NCC as part of their extracurricular activities. Participation in NCC often involves training in various aspects of military and social service, including drills, camps, and community outreach programs.

It provides students with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, physical fitness, and overall personality development alongside their academic studies. Interested students can inquire with specific colleges about the availability and details of NCC participation alongside their BA coursework.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

iam late to fill my form of ITI in delhi now registration is off what should i do

Tanya Gupta 28th Jun, 2024


If you have missed the deadline for ITI registration in Delhi and the registration period is closed, your first step should be to check if there are any late registration or supplementary registration options available. Sometimes, institutes extend deadlines or open a supplementary registration window for a limited period. If such options are not available, you could contact the ITI authorities or the admission office directly to inquire if there are any alternative procedures or waiting lists you can join.

They may have specific instructions or advice on how to proceed, such as waiting for the next admission cycle or exploring other ITI institutes that might have different application timelines. It's crucial to act promptly and follow any instructions provided by the ITI authorities to maximize your chances of securing admission.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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