10614 pessat rank with this rank which branch can i get in pessit?
PESIT south Campus accepts KCET and COMEDK exams for Btech Courses.
Cutoff trends for all branches under KCET and COMEDK given below.
Entire details about college admissions and history shared below.
He'll afviad..
Not in the first round. But in the second round you have a very slight chance. I really can’t say for sure though.
Last year there are ranks which came in by branch change to CS from ECE. So as people leave after IIT and NIT ranks release, then they fill up the vacant seats by asking the students who scored higher ranks in pessat whether they want to move to CS branch or whichever branch was their first preference. That way you can get in surely..if you’re willing to take the risk.
All the best!
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