10th:10cgpa, 12th:87.4%, BTech(ECE):74%, How much %ile do I require to enter old IIMs with SC category ?
Dear Sanjeev
According to the innformation provided you have a very good academic record. TO ansmwer your query i would like to say that for IIM ABC you need a percentile over 95 to convert it in final call.
For IIM L you need above 90 percentile and for IIM K the score should be over 85 percentile.
Hope it helps. All the best.
You have a good academic record. And if you see for old IIMs you will definitely get an interview call from IIM A and C with above 92 percentile but atleast aim for above 95 percentile in order to get final admission. In case of IIM B it is way more complex because it gives a lot more weightage to work experience and it's too complicated to predict its percentile.
For IIM L you can get a call above 85 percentile but but in order to convert it aim for above 90 percentile. Also IIM L preferred to have students who are studious and have a good academic record so you have a good chance.
For IIM K you can get a call above 85 percentile But but aim above 90 in order to make sure your call and get final admission because IIM K also gives a little more preference to work experience not like IIM B but yes it does give a little more preference to work experience. I am currently in 2nd year of IIM K and believe me mine batch is work experience overloaded.
IIM I is also unique as it gives way more weightage to 10th, 12th and graduation marks even more than CAT marks. As you have had a decent academic records so you can definitely get a call from IIM I with above 85 percentile.
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