India and the Contemporary World - II - Events and processes
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Nationalism in India etc.
Livelihoods, Economies and Societies:
The Making of a Global World
The age of Industrialization etc.
Everyday Life, Culture and Politics
Print Culture and the Modern World
Resources and Development
Land resources
Land use pattern in India
Classification of soil
Soil as a resource etc.
Forest and Wildlife
Biodiversity and Biological diversity
The Himalayan Yew in trouble
Project tiger
Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources etc.
Water Resources
Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management
Rainwater Harvesting etc.
Types of farming
Cropping Pattern
Major Crops
Technological and Institutional Reforms etc.
Minerals and Energy Resources
Mode of occurrence of Minerals
Ferrons and Non-Ferrons Minerals
Conversation of minerals etc.
Manufacturing Industries
Classification of Industries
Spatial distribution
Industrial pollution and environmental degradation etc.
Lifelines of National Economy
Tourism as a trade
International trade etc.
Power Sharing
Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka
Forms of power-sharing etc.
What is Federalism?
How is Federalism practised?
Decentralization in India etc.
Gender, Religion and Caste
Gender and politics
Caste and politics etc.
Popular struggles and movements
Popular Struggles in Nepal and Bolivia
Mobilization and Organization
Pressure Groups and Movements etc.
Political Parties
Why do we need Political Parties?
How many Parties should we have?
Challenges to Political Parties etc.
Outcome of Democracy
Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
Economic growth and development
Reduction of inequality and poverty etc.
National Development
How to compare different countries or states?
Income and other criteria etc.
Sectors of Indian Economy
Sectors of Economic activities
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
Division of sectors as organized and unorganized etc.
Money and Credit
Money as a medium of exchange
Modern forms of money
Loan activities of Banks
Two different credit situations etc.
Globalization and the Indian Economy
Production across countries
Interlinking production across countries
Foreign Trade and the integration of markets
What is globalization? etc.