3rd droper neet 22 asp my prep is about 50 % , sc category chandigarh...i studied sincerly this yr but not up to that mark i have been strong but at this time feeling very anxious , thing abuot neet make my head spin heart ache( once a day) .m sitting studing with head spinning ..fells like vertigo
Hello aspirant,
A person needs obtain an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per night to function properly. As a result, don't put too much pressure on yourself by studying all night. Make an effort to obtain adequate sleep so that you can tackle the next day with vigour.
Maintaining a healthy diet will provide you with the energy you need to get through the day. As a result, it's critical to eat healthy, nutrient-dense foods that don't deplete your body quickly.
Meditation allows you to channel your energy and concentrate on a single task for an extended period of time. It also aids in the decluttering of your mind from exam anxiety and stress. At least once a day, try to meditate.
Revision aids in the recall of material that has been examined for a long time. One of the most significant aspects of your exam preparation is revision. Before the exam, you must go over the complete course at least three times. Believe in yourself!
All the best!
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