489 marks au or svu mbbs set vasatada bc d
Hello aspirant,
As of now it's tough to say which college you can get because the cutoff changes every year with college and this year the cutoff went high and also few seats have increased.but with previous year analysis and your rank we can find you possibilities into the colleges. Now you did notmention what state you belong to ,and you asked about Universities of Andhrapradesh,.soconsidering your homestate as Andhrapradesh,now as of last year 490 could fetch aseat in au or svu within your category but this year the cutoff rose so there mayb little tough chances.but you have chances to fetch in private medical colleges also.nevertheless give a try.to know more info check : https://www.google.com/amp/s/medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-cutoff-ap/amp
To know what chances you have into colleges check:
Hope this helps,
Hello aspirant,
Please be clear in your question so that we can provide you required information regarding your query or else it is very difficult to answer your query.
Mention your rank along with your category so that we can predict whether you will be able to get this medical college.
Check below link for predicting the medical college according to your rank,
Best of luck,
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