580 par kon sa govt medical college mil sakta hai ,up domecile,OBC category
As per our record, you have chances in getting Government Medical College, Badaun , Autonomous Medical College, Basti, Ayodhaya and many more. However, this is all per our previous year data. You can check the range here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-cutoff-up/amp . Cutoff may change as it depends upon number of factors like number of students appeared in the examination, difficulty level of paper, seats matrix. You can use our NEET College predictor to know about the colleges you have a chance at: https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-college-predictor?icn=neet-clpd&ici=neet_text-mapping
You can check your NEET result direct from this link: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-2020-result-direct-download-link-from-careers360