98.6 in jee mains what seat i will get in netaji subash Delhi and dtu Delhi....I am a general category
The overall expected rank will be in between 14322 - 16100 based on our JEE Main rank predictor tool. The link t the JEE Main rank predictor is given here, you can check the overall expected rank
Based on the information available in your profile we consider that you belong to Delhi. Considering the previous year cut off you have chances of getting seat in the following branches under general category
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Production and Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Bio-Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Bio-Technology
- Manufacturing Processes and Automation Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
The cut off is subjected to change, it may increase or decrease depending on various factors like number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of exam and number of seats available etc.
To know more colleges use our JEE Main college predictor tool
Your profile suggests that you are from Delhi so you will be eligible for Delhi region reservation
With 98.6 percentile
Your rank will be around 14322 - 16100 as per our rank predictor at
It is quite difficult to make prediction but yes,
When we go through previous year trend then ,
With your rank you hold very good chance to get a seat in DTU and NSUT
For example,
In round 9th of jac counselling 2020 , 18928 rank for general category got a seat in Mathematics and Computing engineering for Delhi region in DTU
You can check the same at
Coming to NSUT
In round 9th of jac counselling 2020 , 26419 rank for general category got a seat in Computer Science and Engineering (Big Data Analytics) (CSDA) for Delhi region in NSUT
You can check the same at
Above prediction is on the basis of past year data but cut off/closing rank for colleges keeps changing every year depending upon many factors like number of students that appeared in the examination, difficulty level of the JEE main question paper for different shifts etc so
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
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