A student with 75% in 10th & 12th and 80% in Graduation with B.Com(Hons)..Can that student survive in JBIMS, XIMB, Great Lakes, Chennai.
Hi Sahil,
As per the scores you have mentioned your profile seems decent enough for the colleges you have mentioned. What ultimately matters is your performance in the academic programme along with some extra-curricular activities and you can sail through easily. There are a lot of instances where students with excellent academics are unable to cope up the pressure whereas students having decent scores do better than them.
Its not a big deal to survive in this colleges but you have to be passionate towards your future and handle every situation with calm , this college s are top colleges so there are toppers in their college but you have to be confident and the art of cope up with hard situations so definitely you can survive.
Thank you
Give your best
Good luck

For surviving or rather thrive in college life you must have life skills which are surely not depicted by your grades.
So stay calm and do your best.