About neet exam study plan.. For biology and chemistry
Hey Shubha,
The NEET UG exam is scheduled to be conducted on 5th May. That means you have 67 days left (almost 2 months). To cover up the whole syllabus of Chemistry and Biology, you just need to be consistent. Let’s talk about Biology first-
Chapter-1: The Living World- It is a small chapter, could be covered easily in 2-3 hours. (DAY 1)
Chapter-2: Biological Classification- cover it up with Chapter-1. (DAY 1)
Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom- it is a lengthy chapter so take a full day to do this chapter, take your time but do it thoroughly. (DAY 2)
Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom (DAY 3)
Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants- this chapter is long and tricky so make sure understand everything. (DAY 4 & 5)
Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants (DAY 5 & 6)
Plant physiology is a very big unit, so try to finish it first.
Chapter-11: Transport in Plants (DAY 1)
Chapter-12: Mineral Nutrition- finish it along with chapter 11 (DAY 2)
Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants- this chapter requires understanding so take 2 days to complete it. (DAY 3 & 4)
Chapter-14: Respiration in Plants- right after photosynthesis if you do this chapter, it will be easier to understand. (DAY 5)
Chapter-15: Plant - Growth and Development (DAY 6)
Human physiology
Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals- many concepts of this chapter are required in human physiology, so do this before starting the unit (DAY 1)
Chapter-16: Digestion and Absorption (DAY 2)
Chapter-17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases (DAY 3)
Chapter-18: Body Fluids and Circulation (DAY 4)
Chapter-19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination (DAY 5)
Chapter-20: Locomotion and Movement (DAY 6)
Chapter-21: Neural Control and Coordination (DAY 1)
Chapter-22: Chemical Coordination and Integration (DAY 2)
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life- now this is the last lengthy chapter which is left (DAY 3 & 4)
Chapter-9: Bio-molecules. (DAY 4)
Chapter-10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division- chapter is small but understand every concept of this chapter. (DAY 5)
Start immediately with class 12th syllabus.
Chapter-1: Reproduction in Organisms- some concept of mitosis and meiosis is used in this chapter so it will benefit you that you revised cell cycle just before it. (DAY 6)
Chapter-4: Reproductive Health- very easy and theoretical concepts that could be finished along with chapter 1 in a day. (DAY 6)
Your second month will start after this so make sure you have completed your class 11th syllabus before this. Now coming to month 2, try to cover up whole biology in 10 days prior to NEET. And with class 12th biology, it is possible.
Chapter-2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants (DAY 1)
Chapter-3: Human Reproduction (DAY 2)
Chapter-5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation (DAY 3 & 4)
Chapter-6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance (DAY 4 & 5)
Chapter-7: Evolution (DAY 1)
Chapter-8: Human Health and Diseases (DAY 2)
Chapter-9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (DAY 3)
Chapter-10: Microbes in Human Welfare (DAY 3)
Chapter-11: Biotechnology - Principles and Processes (DAY 4)
Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its Application (DAY 4)
Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations (DAY 5)
Chapter-14: Ecosystem (DAY 6)
Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation (DAY 1)
Chapter-16: Environmental Issues (DAY 2)
It is very important that you read the chapters before revising them because reading always helps in better understanding. And after you finish revising the chapter, make sure you do MCQs because only that tells where you stand. Remember if you do this, no one can stop you from scoring 350+ marks in biology.
Now coming to Chemistry section-
It is better that you revise physical of class 11th and 12th together, similarly, inorganic and organic chemistry.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (DAY 1)
Solutions (DAY 2)
Structure of Atom (DAY 3)
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (DAY 4 & 5)
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids (DAY 6)
Chemical Thermodynamics (DAY 5&6)
Chemical Thermodynamics (DAY 1)
Equilibrium (DAY 2&3)
Redox Reaction (DAY 3)
Electrochemistry (DAY 4)
Chemical Kinetics (DAY 5)
Surface Chemistry (DAY 6)
Solid State (DAY 1)
Classification of Element and Periodicity (DAY 2)
Hydrogen (DAY 2)
s- block Elements (DAY 3)
Environmental Chemistry (DAY 4)
p- block Element (DAY 5&6)
d- and f- block Elements (Transitions Elements) (DAY 1)
General Principle and Process of Isolation of Elements (DAY 2)
Co-ordination Compound (DAY 3)
Biomolecules (DAY 4)
Chemistry in Everyday Life (DAY 4)
General Organic Chemistry (DAY 5&6)
Hydrocarbons (DAY 1&2)
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes (DAY 3&4)
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers (DAY 5&6)
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids (DAY 1&2)
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen (DAY 3&4)
Polymers (DAY 5)
The plan is of 6 day a week, because on the 7th day, you need to finish the left-out topics (if any), revise difficult concept
Hardly months are left for the entrance and all you need to do is revise + practice maximum number of questions. So, plan your schedule accordingly so that you can cover the important chapters/topics before the exam.
For Chemistry: Go through the basic rules and nomenclature of the organic chemistry part from NCERT first. Every year around 12-15 questions are asked from the organic chemistry part.Arihant Publications, OP Tandonthese reference books have NEET level questions. Solve various types of questions to get the fair idea of the question level + pattern.
For inorganic chemistry-make keyword type notes from NCERT- it is more than enough. Direct questions are asked from the Inorganic chemistry part. And so one has maximum chances to attempt+ answer the question correctly.
Lastly forPhysical Chemistry part:you have to remember the formulae very well and then only you'll be able to solve the questions. Prepare separate book for formulae and write the conditions of the formula. Understand the concept well, revise and solve questions- this way you'll get the idea of applications of the formulae + the logic where and when to be applied.
For Biology:
NCERT is highly important and more than enough for these end months- for revision. Your should keep a target of 320+ atleast. And for this you need to read NCERT minimum 2-3 times before the exam and be thorough with it. Focus onthe examples, classifications, tabular details, statistics(most important),dates, names of the scientists-inventors, biological cycles and mechanisms, reactions, full forms, diagrams and their labellings and most importantly the summary(given at the end of every chapter).
So, prepare well and study smart.! Practice maximum to score maximum.. and so not stress yourself, just stay calm and give your Bestttt possible.!!!
Hope this helps..!
Good Luck.!
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