Abroad MBBS or India MBBS Which is best ?
Comparing is a little difficult. It depends on the factors of comparison. Infrastructure and campus wise abroad MBBS colleges are really well equipped. Fees wise abroad colleges will cost you much. As per adacemic schedule Indian MBBS is decent. So I'll suggest that if you're getting admission in a government MBBS college in INDIA, just go for it because at the end pursuing MBBS is more best than all of this comparisons. You will complete your MBBS with really low cost fees with Max being around 1 lakh per annum. If you getting less marks, then see if you can get good private colleges below 7 lakhs then you can go for that as well. If nothing from above is possible, then you can think of pursuing MBBS abroad. You will have international authors book and foreign MBBS degree is also MCI approved.
Best wishes. Thank you.