according to last year ts eamcet cut off rank for CAP(oc) category in information technology is 37698 in BVRIT hyderabad..will i get the seat this year??my rank is 34854 in cap(oc) category..or will there be a chance for me to get CSE OR ECE? will the previous year cut off ranks be considered ?
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Hey Govardhan,
Regarding your query at first I would like to inform you that the cut-off marks you've provided in your question is completely wrong. I don't know from where you've got this, however to diminish your misconception I'm going to refer you the actual cutoff details of previous year of this eminent institution:
So after thoroughly analysing the above article you'll definitely get well-known regarding the fact that it's just impossible for you to grab any seat in any kind of top department of this college as per your category. Because according to the 2019's data the last qualifying rank for your desired stream i.e. CSE, ECE, IT were 6355, 8417 and 7969 respectively in this college where your rank of this year is far behind from it.
Actually Telangana State Council of Higher Education ( TSCHE ) hasn't released the official cut-off details for top Government and private institutions participating in TS EAMCET Counselling 2020 till now. So we have to follow the previous year's cut-off informations to make any accurate comment regarding your admission possibilities. Yes we know that the cut-off marks vary college to college on the basis of several determining factors, still I can assure you that in this year the cut-off rank can't be too much extented to 34-35k leads to increase the probability of your not getting opportunity of studyust in your preferable instituion, BV Raju Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. To get more information in this context please go through the links provided below:
You can also use our TS EAMCET college predictor tool:
Hope these informations will be quite helpful for you. Wish you all the best.
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TS EAMCET previous year cut off
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