Admission procedure for other state students
Answer (1)
The admissions to B.Tech and B.E. courses are granted on the basis of candidates merit in Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Undergraduate Entrance Test (COMEDK UGET). The entrance test will have 180 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each. The exam will have three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each section will have 60 questions each. The candidates will get 3 hours to complete the exam. There will be no negative marking. However, in the event of a tie in the test score the principle of least negative responses (Number of wrong answers) will be adopted. In addition, if required, other methods may be adopted to break ties. The entrance test is based on the existing syllabus of 10 + 2 / 12th STD / 2nd PUC
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