After 12 what should I do
Answer (1)
From which stream you are from and specify any interests you have?
Comments (4)
I have not finish 12 yet after 12 I am interested in automobile engineering and
I have not finish 12 yet after 12 I am interested in automobile engineering and
Then you should start preparing for jee main exam because from next year there will be only single entrance for btech admissions.
Through that you can apply in branches you are interested in.
For aeronautical, the demand is increasing so prepare accordingly.
Through that you can apply in branches you are interested in.
For aeronautical, the demand is increasing so prepare accordingly.
Ha but I want to give exams in Karnataka now I am in Maharashtra
There shall be only one entrance but there is nothing officially confimed so cannot comment on it more.
Also be it any state if the entrance will be only one then the criteria will all change.
Also be it any state if the entrance will be only one then the criteria will all change.
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