after b tech cse what is the best option m tech or mba?
Everything depends upon your choice and career perspective .If you want to go for researches or want to become a high school teacher or university lecturer , and a PHD is a sound choice . Yes you can join an IT firm after an M.Tech , but were to to work as an trainee or testing engineer , you should have joined an MNC after only .
On the other hand , an MBA is a more careerist’s approach . You are entering a B School where they would train you to be a future entrepreneur or mould you to be a sub manager/assistant manager under some higher authority. In other words , an entrepreneur’s life is a traveller’s life and a life cushioned with a lot of luxuries . Ofcousre , you would have a hectic life but what is a life without a few adventures and challenges .
Thus , it rests entirely upon you on what your future path will be all about . Think impartially and practically and just don’t let anyone interfere in your wishes and thoughts :) . (Though you would have understood by now that I am a bit inclined towards the MBA thing :), Think wisely and take decision.
Best Universityto pursue both the courses-
Geeta University, Panipat
Amity University
MSRIT Bangalore - Ramaiah Institute of Technology. ...
BITS Pilani
BMSCE Bangalore - BMS College of Engineering.
Chandigarh University
Dear Aspirant,
There is simple question - Do you like coding? If the answer is no, then go for MBA straight without any second thought.
If the answer is yes, but you would like to explore management now then you can go for MBA or if your interest is in the coding, especially in the fields like data science, ai or machine learning then Mtech is a option for you.
Hope this helps. Thank you.