After Doing Bsc agriculture from government university like ubkv is there a guarantee for govt. Job
There is no guarantee other than exploring areas open in your stream that you've chosen. Nothing in life comes with a guarantee.
There're multitude areas for Graduates in BSc to explore in government institutions like Indian Agricultural Research Institute, National Seeds Corporation Limited, Food Corporation of India, National Dairy Development Board, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, NABARD and other banks, Agricultural finance corporations, State Farms Corporation of India, North Eastern Region Agricultural Marketing Corporation.
In banking sector, recruitment takes place of Banking for AO or AFO or Agriculture Field Officer, in academic sector there's alwaya a possibility for higher education to become professor or scientist.
India is basically an agricultural country, seeing the trends of numerous schemes launched in agri sector, more so enthusiasm among youth taking up this course for future do not really dim its bright future.
All the best!
Thank you