After doing btech in instrumentation and control engineering can I apply for IAS or IES and what are future prospects.
yes, you can apply both for Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Engineering Services Examination (IES/ESE). For appearing in the mains exam of IAS you have to choose Electrical Engineering. In IES, you have to choose Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
Thank you !!!
Yes, you can apply for IAS. And for IES you have to choose Electronics and communication subject as to write in the exam. some of the subjects would not be same so you have give some extra effort in those subjects. Overall it is good.
Many student do the same in almost all the colleges in India.
Hope for the best!!!!
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Yes, you can apply for IAS. And for IES
you have to choose Electronics and communication subject as to write in the exam.
some of the subjects would not be same so you have give some extra effort in those subjects. Overall it is good.