Amirtha University or VIT or SRM which is best
As per the analyzing report of Careers360 Amritha, VIT Vellore, SRM have AAAA+ rating. This rating is based on the research of the colleges based on various parameter such as placement, Faculty, Industry Exposure etc.
As per 2016-17, The companies visited to Amritha University- Hinduja Global Services, CSS Corp, Sonata Software, TPF Software, B&R Automation, L&T Infotech, Hewlett Packard, Infosys. The average salary offered 3 LPA. You can check the complete placement with the given below link.
As per 2017-18 placement of VIT University, The Average salary offered 5.75 LPA. You can check the companies visited to the campus with the given below link.
As per SRM University placement Dream companies offer 5 lacs/ annum and above salary packages. Companies offering Dream offers are,
Amadeus, Siemens, Hyundai Motors, Bank of America, BlueStar, Dell, Honda etc. To check the further information about Dream offers with the given below link.
You can also check the genuine reviews of the college with the given below links.
Good Luck!