Amrita engineering entrance exam syllabus
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Hello there,
Amrita Engineering Entrance Exam (AEEE)
syllabus is designed to assess candidates' knowledge in subjects related to Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Here's a breakdown of the syllabus:
1. Physics
- Units and Measurement
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
- Gravitation
- Properties of Bulk Matter
- Thermodynamics
- Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
- Oscillations and Waves
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
- Atoms and Nuclei
Electronic Devices
2. Chemistry
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Structure of Atom
- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- Thermodynamics
- Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions
- Hydrogen
- s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
- Some p-Block Elements
- Organic Chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
Environmental Chemistry
3. Mathematics
- Sets, Relations, and Functions
- Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
- Matrices and Determinants
- Permutations and Combinations
- Binomial Theorem
- Sequences and Series
- Limit, Continuity, and Differentiability
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Coordinate Geometry
- 3D Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Probability
- Trigonometry
- Statistics
- Linear Programming
Mathematical Reasoning
Important Notes
The exam typically consists of
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Each subject
will have questions based on the above topics.
: 2.5 hours
- Mode : Computer-based test (CBT) or pen-and-paper (P&P), depending on the mode of exam chosen.
Ensure you go through the official Amrita website or brochure for any updates or additional details on the syllabus.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
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