Amrutha University or vit which is best for cse branch?
Hi venkatsou,
As the selection of a college/university depends upon the priorities of an individual. One may find the colleges worst and best both depends upon the convenience, accommodations, fees structure and placements of the colleges. So, I am helping you out by mentioning both colleges:
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)
The renowned college with good alumni and placement records holds more value than the Amrita because in VIT the student is not bounded to choose the particular subjects as every else student is taking. Also, a student is allowed to choose any topic that directly adds advantages to the research for a student. The placements indeed are on the next level, the college provides many good opportunities with a good number of packages. Around 90% of students got placed with an average package of 6.05 LPA.
Amrita University:
Because of the strict rules and regulations, the colleges are 4 times stronger than VIT. The most important point while joining the Amrita is the update and preparation of the students for the benefit of their academic and skills that are mandatory for placement purposes. The students can work on advanced technologies and can work to gain experience. Placemenscenariosrio is also very good in Amrita. Around 90% of students got placed every year with an average package of 4 LPA.
I hope this helps you.
For more detailed information about these colleges do check out these links for more: