any chances of getting into IIIT Kanchipuram(home sate) with 94.69 percentile and I come under obc category
Your rank can be calculated by this formula: 100 - your total percentile)*869010/100. Your estimated rank would be 44,144.
If number of students for April Exam increased to 12,00,000 then your final rank shall be (100 - your total score) X 1200000/100.
According to 2019 cut-offs for OBC at IITDM, Kancheepuram for different departments has been as follows-
CSE - 6251
ECE - 7905
ME - 10438
You must prepare well for the upcoming JEE Main April exam in order to improve your rank and secure a seat in your preferred college.
For the chances of admission in other college you can use the college predictor-
Chances would be less of getting a seat in Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kancheepuram with 94.69 percentile in JEE Main exam. You should prepare well and appear for the JEE Main April exam and aim to improve your performance in that attempt.
Also, to know about your chances of admission in other colleges, use the JEE Main College Predictor Tool
Good Luck!