Any important advice (tips/tricks) for students preparing for UPSEE 2018.
Preparing for UPSEE requires strict study routine and strategies which best suit yourself and you're daily life. you need to be through with the syllabus and prepare accordingly. Understand the exam pattern and subject weightage this will help them make study strategies accordingly.
The most important thing about UPSEE is-
- read questions very carefully. As people misinterpret questions even though they know the solutions.
- Do take mock test and do an analysis.
- take notes of your mistakes. and prepare more for which you are making more mistakes.
- make strategies to learn facts and figures as you don't want to get them wrong.

Hello Riya,
To prepare for UPSEE 2018, candidates must go through the syllabus of UPSEE 2018 thoroughly and make a preparation plan accordingly. Moreover, candidate needs to understand the UPSEE 2018 exam pattern, that is what kind of questions will appear, marking scheme, duration of the exam, sectional weightage and much more. This will help candidates to prepare themselves in a better way. Candidates can also solve the sample papers and mock test to check their preparation level.
Tips & Tricks to Crack UPSEE 2018- The First Steps
Firstly, keep a positive frame of mind. Remember, every battle is first won in the mind. So, surround yourself with people who understand your aspirations and encourage you to pursue your goals.
- The Right Approach
Now, you must know where you stand. Do you know enough about the exam syllabus and study material? If not, start gathering information about the essentials of the UPSEE 2018 examination. To understand the UPSEE eligibility , dates, and syllabus of the examination.
- Understand the Exam Pattern
Getting familiar with the exam pattern is an essential part of your preparation. You must familiarize yourself with the UPSEE test paper as this will mentally prepare you and prevent last-minute panicking in the exam hall. You can read about the subject-wise UPSEE 2018 Exam Pattern here. It will give you a detailed idea about the subjects, corresponding papers and the marks allocated to each of the papers.
- Build a Solid Foundation
A rock solid foundation is critical for not just UPSEE but any entrance exam. You must brush up on the fundamentals of your Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics to do well in UPSEE 2018 entrance exam as the questions are not from outside the syllabus taught in your XI and XII (or in the equivalent course). Focus on Algebra, Calculus, and other vital portions while preparing for Mathematics. Organic and Physical part of Chemistry must be mastered, and for Physics, the whole NCERT problems and theories need to be studied. Once your basic principles of these subjects are sound, then you can attempt any question with confidence.
- Time Management
Allocating equal preparation time to the main subjects is critical as all subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics carry equal weightage in the UPSEE entrance test. Hence, neglecting any subject or giving more importance to another could backfire.
- Study Material
Too many cooks spoil the broth . This adage holds true in the case of study material too. There is a lot of study material available both online and offline to prepare for UPSEE, but you must not experiment with too many sources and select only the reputed sources to get your information.
We’ve put together a list of subject-wise books you can refer to for your UPSEE 2018 preparations.
Best Books for UPSEE Physics
- NCERT Physics Books of Class XI & XII
- Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma (for both, Numerical & Theory)
- MCQ Physics by D.Mukerjee for conceptual questions in Physics
- U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTU 14 Years’ Solved Papers by Arihant Publication
Best Books for UPSEE Chemistry
- NCERT Chemistry Books of Class XI & XII
- Pradeep Objective Chemistry
- P. Bahadur for Physical Chemistry
- U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTU 14 Years’ Solved Papers by Arihant Publication
Best Books for UPSEE Mathematics
- NCERT Mathematics Books of Class XI & XII
- R.D. Sharma Objective
- U.P. Engineering Entrance Exam SEE GBTU 14 Years’ Solved Papers by Arihant Publication
Best Books for UPSEE Biology
- NCERT Biology Books of Class XI & XII
- Dinesh Objective Biology
- Modules of Aakash Institutes are excellent for UPSEE Biology
- Previous years questions from AIPMT, UPSEE, and other Medical Entrance Exams
- Sample Papers
You must solve a lot of sample papers and previous years’ question papers to get the hang of the examination. Aim to finish these papers in the stipulated time of 3 hours. Keeping tabs on time will help you work on your speed and also know the sections of the test that are more time-consuming. Please don’t ignore this aspect as it is of paramount importance for your preparations.
- Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses
If you’re strong in physics but average in mathematics and weak in chemistry, then you can turn your weaknesses into strengths for a good overall score by focusing on your improvement areas. Leave no stone unturned, take the help of your teachers or seniors to improve on your weak areas.
- Revision
Diligently make notes of concepts that need regular revision. Revising every topic multiple times is very critical . So, keep going over the same material until you are confident about the subject. Also, review diverse themes and subjects simultaneously so that your mind stays alert and flexible to switch between multiple topics. Once you have called it a day, try to memorize the entire day’s topics mentally.
- Be Wary of Negative Marking
Lastly, if there’s no negative marking, then you should not leave any question unanswered. If the examination has negative marking, then mark only those questions where you are confident. The negative marking caveat changes every year, so don’t forget to check your application form for this important detail.
Above all, remain calm and don’t let the stress get to you. Take frequent breaks and relax your mind. Otherwise, you will not be able to recall answers and maximize learning.
Best of luck.
Hii Riya..
Focus more on NCERT books and try to revise all the chapters again and again.
You can also go for few reference books like arihant,it will also help you.
Best wishes..
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