Any tips for preparation of IBPS PO prelims exam? I'm attempting it for the first time. What books would you recommend?
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Hi Anjali,
To prepare for IBPS PO, you must go through the syllabus which will help you in knowing important topics and different sections that you must cover in order to prepare well for the exam. Once you are aware of the syllabus then you must ensure that you know the exam pattern. After that make a proper routine and strictly follow it. For more details about preparation tips - Check here
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To start IBPS PO preparation, at first be aware of the exam pattern and the syllabus of the exam.
Make short notes. short notes will help you to revise before the exam.
Solved old question papers daily and do practise as much you can.
Speed and accuracy are important factor in any exam. improve your accuracy by analyzing the question paper you solved while practicing.
Make Strong Your Basic Reasoning Skills .
Learn Formulas and Shortcut tricks.
Practice more and more with Mock tests.
Some of the books for IBPS PO you can prefer:
Comprehensive Guide to IBPS Disha Publications
Quantitative Aptitude by R S Aggarwal
The Complete Success Package Bank PO Recruitment Examination Arihant Publications
Objective Computer Knowledge & Literacy by Kiran Publication
English Language by Wren & Martin
Bank PO Solved papers for PO & MT Kiran Publication
General Awareness category Mahindra Financial and Banking Awareness.
Good luck!

Proper planning - First of all you should have made a plan for your studies. Better understand about your IBPS exam syllabus and find that in which weak section you must pay more attention and then prepare a study schedule. And IBPS preparation tips.
Update yourself - You should read the newspaper, magazines regularly and also update with current affairs, daily events, and activities.
Study Topic wise - Students needs to concentrate on a single topic at a time do not just turn one to another pay serious attention to each and every topic. Practice more questions on the various topics.
Make GK a weapon - General Knowledge is one of the best marks gaining subject in all over banking exams.
Proper Time Management - You should practice more and more to be able to solve all questions in good timing.
Trial with Mock test - You must try yourself with the online mock test. With properly complete your IBPS Exam Syllabus you should try some mock tests to judge yourself in the exam with proper time duration. Solve mock test to have a decent idea of the paper.
Revision - Revise all your syllabus topics before few days once again and focus more on the weak section that time.
Below are books which you can follow -
Quantitative Aptitude:
Reasoning & Aptitude 2018 for GATE,IES and PSU Examinations
Logical Reasoning
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Book
Quicker Maths
English & Reasoning:
Raymond Murphy or Martin Hewings
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
Wren and Martin High School Grammar.
Essential English Grammar with Answers
Objective General english by SP Bakshi
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT
Upkar english BSC publication ENGLISH
Note : There are many books available in the market but kindly use the standard books only like which are easy to understand and which make all your concepts clear.
Hope this helps!!!
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