Approximately how many students sit in bsc bhu agriculture exam every year? what is pattern of exam? is question paper tough ? is it difficult to crack?
Hi there,
No where the exact number of candidates appeared for UET for B.Sc in agriculture are available and rather than focussing on numbers you should be focussing on one seat only. The exam duration is of two hours and consists of 100 questions.
- 25 questions: Reasoning ( Strenghten your basic Maths)
- 25 questions: Chemistry (NCERT would be enough)
- 50 questions: Agriculture
The difficulty level of question paper is moderate to difficult as the number of seats is very less. If you are thorough with the concepts from NCERT then it would help you a lot.To score better, practice from previous year question paper. Keep this in mind that to make into the merit list you have to make target to score 250.