As I'm from magadh university nd political science honour 2020-23 session can you plzz guide me to what to study in political science honors nd about books and also tell me books for subsidiary of history and geography plzz as I have less time for my study nd not started yet so help me
The books you can refer to:
- Ray Chaudhary, H.C.: Political History of Ancient India, Calcutta, 1963.
Majumdar, Ray: An Advanced History of India.
Chaudhary & Datta : - Tripathi, R.S.: Ancient India.
- Sastri. K.A.N: The age of the Nandas and Mauryans (In English and Hindi)
- Basham, A: The Wonder That was India, London 1954
- Upendra Baxi: Environmental Protection Act : An Agenda for Implemention.
- Dr. I.A. Khan: Environmental Law.
- Rajaraman, V.: Fundamentals of Computers (3rd ed.), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
- S.K. Shukla : Compendrum on Environmental Pollutions Laws,1985.
- Sanders, D. H.: Computers Today, Me Gra w Hill, 1988.
- Chhangani, M.S.: Computer: Insight and Applications, Alka Publications, Ajmer
- Sharma, M.P.: Public Administration Theory and Practice
- Trainer, Computer (4th ed.) Me Graw Hill, 1994.
- Willoughby: Principles of Public Administration
- White: Introduction to the study of Public Administration
Hope this helps!