Assessment : Discuss Doctor Faustus as a morality play . or Analyze the character of Doctor Faustus .
A morality play is a mixture of allegory and religious drama. In the play the characters were personified abstractions of vice or virtues such as good deeds,truth,pride,anger,mercy,faith and devotion. The play potrays the theme of moralities as the struggle between the good and the evil for capturing the man's soul and as we all know good always wins. The play ends with a solemn moral and in light to this points Christopher Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" is a belated morality play in spite of its tragic ending.
In the play we find good and evil beings, the former stands in the path of virtue and the latter for sin, suffering and damnation. One uplifts conscience and the other symbolizes desires. Throughout the play we find an essential theme of seven deadly sins in the spotlight.
Dr. Faustus who is only 24 years old lives a blasphemous life as he has sold his soul to the devil. His life is vain and full of sensual pleasures. He also abjures scriptures, the trinity and the christ as his only ambition is achieve "..a world of profit and delight' of power , of honour, of omnipotence. He wants to achieve the unholy black arts and magic and necromancy. The evil side of his soul didnot allow him to go with divinity as he compares scriptures as 'vain trifles'.His internal struggle between his conscience and ambition is shown as a war between the good and the evil angel. Faustus being a mere human wants to achieve the seat of high and mighty god. And at his final hours it is the god whom he calls out for to help him from eternal damnation.
Marlowe's lesson in this play is that a man who tries to achieve the status of god is doomed to eternal damnation. One's desire to become god by controlling his seven deadly sins is merely a vague concept. The play beautifully potrays the battle between the god and evil of a man's soul and the aim is to teach doctrines and ethics of Christianity. Whosoever disregards the path of virtue and cannot keep his faith in god and the almighty is bound for eternal damnation and despair.
Dr Faustus is one the best moral plays and it is the last and the finest of Marlowe's plays
Hope this helps