bar council examinathion material
The bar exam in India is fairly easy, but almost 30% people fail it every year. RTI shows that those who give this exam in vernacular language fails in bigger percentage.
The reasons for failure in my opinion is bad planning and worse time management. Because it is an open book exam, many students do not prepare at all. Or they spend too much time looking up the correct answer of too few questions, and then are forced to guess the rest due to lack of time. This randomness leads to failing.
It is very easy to pass the bar exam with a little bit of planning.
- please plan what material will you carry to the exam. Don’t cary too much, that adds to the confusion. Carry important bare acts for sure, and a couple of selected text books like on constitutional law.
- If you are not familiar with the bare acts or with the text books much, then you are in danger zone. You can look up answers quickly only if you know where to look, and you have about 2.5 minutes to look for one answer. This is more than enough if you know where to look, but too less if you don’t know where to start looking. This is how most people end up failing the exam.
- Familiarise yourself with the relevant bare acts and text books in the days preceding the bar exam. Doing this over a week is sufficient. Flag important pages, underline things, highlight important text - so that later during the exam it is easy to find things.
- Practice one or two past years papers. See if you are able to solve them within prescribed time. You need to get at least 40–50 questions correct during practice because you need to score at least 40 for passing the bar exam
- I hope this helps