best bams college in india acording to last year
Hello aspirant
Top BAMS colleges in india are mentioned below
Banaras Hindu university, Varanasi
Institute of Medical Sciences Varanasi
Bharti vidyapeeth , pune
Dr D Y patil , pune
Guru Gobindsingh Indraprastha university, New Delhi,NCR
Government, Ayurvedic college,Nagpur
State Ayurveduc college and Hospital , Lucknow
Arohant Ayurvedic college and research institute , Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Abhilashi ayurvedic college ,Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurvedic medical college , Belgium, karnataka
Achutha ayurvedic college, Bagaluru , karnataka
For detailed information please visit the l8nk given below