Best books for jee mains and jee advanced
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Hello Bharu,
It's good to hear that you are preparing for JEE mains and JEE Advanced. To clear JEE Mains and JEE advanced you must have a very clear concept of physics, chemistry and Mathematics. Here are some of the best books to prepare:
Firstly I would suggest you to clear all your concepts by reading the NCERT books. Especially for physics, go through NCERT books nicely. Then you can follow the Concepts of physics by H.C. Verma. Then go for Halliday and Resnick and finally when you complete all these books go for D.C. Pandey.
For chemistry also first go through the NCERT books, then you can go for P.W. Atkins, O.P. Tandon and numerical calculations by R.C. Mukherjee for physical chemistry. J.D. Lee and O.P. Tandon for inorganic chemistry and O.P. Tandon, Paula Bruice Yurkanis, M.S. Chuahan and Morrison and Boyd for Organic chemistry.
For mathematics also first clear your concepts. For Differential and Integral Calculus books by Amit M Aggarwal and Dr S.K. Goyal. For trigonometry and Co ordinate geometry books by S.L. LONEY. You can also refer to R.D. Sharma and G. Tiwani books.
At last try to solve last 10 years question paper to get thorough with the pattern and level of question paper. Work hard, success is yours.
All the best.
Hello Bharu!
For JEE MAIN & ADVANCED there are lot of books available in the market.
You must have NCERTs, one reference book, chapterwise last year problems book and a Question Bank.
You can go for RD SHARMA in MATHS.
OP TANDON series in Chemistry with RC MUKHERJEE. Also LG WADE or MORRISON BOYD for ORGANIC. Or you can go for MS CHOUHAN.
For physics HC VERMA and DC PANDEY will suffice.
Also chapterwise problems previous year are must. Consider Arihant publication.
Hope that helps!
Physics- H. C. Verma, I. E. Irodov's Problems in General Physics, D. C. Pandey (theory sake), Resonance (or PACE) Physics booklet (theory + questions), Previous years JEE papers.
Trigonometry - S. L. Loney simplification problems, few from M. L. Khanna (until you learn to simplify speedily), Boards problems + formulae from Text books.
Algebra - Cengage Publications (Ghanshyam Tewani), 11 & 12th Boards text book exercises for simplification practice, Coaching booklet, JEE problems.
Co-ordinate & 3D geometry, Vectors - S. L. Loney for simplification practice, Cengage Publications (Ghanshyam Tewani) forsolved examples and concepts,Resonance Rank Booster, JEE problems.
Physical - R. C. Mukherjee Solved examples, Resonance (or PACE) booklet, JEE questions
Organic - Reaction Mechanisms by S. N. Sanyal, Arihant (R. K. Gupta, R. K. Amit) solved examples + MCQ + Subjective, Booklet, JEE questions
Inorganic - NCERT Textbooks, Class notes.
Just follow these books and you'll be able to crack JEE main easily.
all the best :)
Hello Bharu
Here are the books I used during my jee preparation-
IIT JEE Books | Best Books for Jee Main Physics
Concepts of Physics (Part I)-HC Verma
Concepts of Physics (Part II)-HC Verma
IIT JEE Physics-DC Pandey
Problems in General Physics-I.E. Irodov
Physics for IIT-JEE-Resnick, Halliday, Walker
Problems in Physics-S.S. Krotov
IIT JEE Books | Best Books for Jee Main Chemistry
Organic Chemistry-Morrison Boyd
Organic Chemistry-O.P Tandon
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations-R.C. Mukherjee
Numerical Chemistry-P. Bahadur
Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J.D. Lee
IIT JEE Books | Best Books for Jee Main Mathematics
IIT Mathematics-M.L. Khanna
Differential Calculus-A Das Gupta
Class XI & XII Mathematics-R.D. Sharma
Trigonometry, Geometry Books-S.L. Loney
Problems in Calculus of One Variable-I.A. Maron
Higher Algebra-Hall and Knight
Here is a list of all good books from which you can refer while preparing for JEE Mains and Advanced. You can use any of these according to your requirements
Concepts of Physics H. C. Verma
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Problems in General Physics I. E. Irodov
University Physics Freedman and Young
Understanding JEE physics series DC Pandey
Problem In Physics SS Krotov
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations RC Mukherjee
Organic Chemistry Solomons and Fryhle
Concise Inorganic J. D. Lee
Organic Chemistry Morrison and Boyd
University Chemistry Freedman and Young
Physical Chemistry N Awasthi
Arihant's Practice Book
Chemistry for JEE Main And Advanced R.K Gupta
Higher Algebra Hall and Knight
Coordinate Geometry S.L. Loney
Differential and Integral Calculus N. Piskunov
Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas and Finney
IIT Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced M.L. Khanna
Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE Tata McGraw Hill publication
Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics A Das Gupta
Trigonometry S L Loney
Best of luck
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