Best coaching for cat preparation
It is a very crucial step in CAT preparation to decide which coaching you want to join depending upon the kind of teaching environment you are comfortable with.
I would like to start with TIMES Coaching so it is the most reputed coaching centre and you can even check the CAT 19 results.Most students belong to this institute.Now best things about this are it provide AIMCAT series and n number of mocks which are of higher level than actual CAT exam that you will be facing secondly, the Faculty and staff is quiet good, always available for help and there are no particular batch that you will be restricted with (You can sit in any batch and clear your queries and they won't stop you from doing that.Thirdly the study material is strictly according to a set pattern of exam.But this is very important to note that if you are self motivated only then you should join the coaching.
Now lets talk about Career launcher so the mocks and the test series it provides with are of worth.They also provide you with test gym series online 24 hrs access classes which are very good.Secondly the teachers pay personal attention on weak students (specially non maths background) and the fees is quite economical .
I would personally suggest you to choose one of them because these two coachings are providing good results and decide yourself , firstly attend demo classes and then derive at a conclusion.If you are willing to join TiMes then it would be better if you join its centre which is situated in Delhi otherwise there is no such impact of the place of Institute.If you want to join online coachings then Iquanta , Oliverboard , Career launcher are good choices.
Hope the information is helpful.
Best of luck !
Oliveboard, Careerlauncher, TestFunda, HitbullsEye are some great platforms with amole papers for practice and solutions set keys.
The key to scoring is solving more n more mock exams.
They all provide with online downloaded lectures and Soft copies for notes.
The best is joining TIME caoching mock series where they focus on your weaknesses and help you overcome your mistakes as well.
If you have any doubts drop out in comment section
Thank you::)
Hi Ojha!
- Some of the top management coaching institutes in India are Career Launcher,
T.I.M.E., and IMS Learning Centre .
- These institutes are present in almost every major city in India like Delhi,
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
- Usually the preparation for CAT was done through classroom sessions,
but with the CAT going online (computer-based), and students preferring
to prepare online as well, CAT preparation material is now available online as well.
- Some of these online sessions are free whereas some cost money.
- As a result, IMS, CL, TIME etc. which were famous for their classroom CAT preparation,
now also offer online and/ or computer-based preparation material (such as CDs, video
lectures, webinars, online sample tests etc.)
- Depending upon the city in which you live in, you can enroll in one or more of
these institutes either for classroom sessions, online sessions or both.
Hope this helps , all the best!
hello aspirant,
well to say you, there are the top most best coaching universities more in northern india.
North india is one of the best place for CAT preparation.
here i will provide you the list of top five coaching centres in north india
- T.I.M.E
- P T education.
- Career launcher.
- IMS learning resource .
especially "T.I.M.E" is the one of the top most coaching institute which provides literally the best education .
thank you
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