best collages for mna with CAT score
Best MBA colleges accepting CAT are listed below:-
---------------------) IIM Ahmedabad - Indian Institute of Management:- it is the best MBA college that you can get in India, it has been ranked 1 in NIRF ranking 2021
---------------------)IIM Bangalore - Indian Institute of Management, ranked 2
---------------------) IIM Calcutta - Indian Institute of Management , ranked 3
---------------------) FMS Delhi - Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi
---------------------)IIM Kozhikode - Indian Institute of Management
---------------------)DMS IIT Delhi - Department of Management Studies
---------------------)IIM Lucknow
---------------------)IIM Trichy
---------------------)IIM Rohtak
---------------------)IIM Indore - Indian Institute of Management
---------------------)MDI Gurgaon - Management Development Institute
---------------------)SJMSOM IIT Bombay - Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management
---------------------)Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad
---------------------)JBIMS Mumbai
---------------------)SPJIMR, Mumbai
---------------------)SDA Bocconi Mumbai
To get the complete list visit our page the link for the same is given below
To help you further ,the admission process in MBA/pgdm is provided below
Your admission in Mba is a two step process :-
*********** First you get shortlisted on the basis of your score obtained by you in the entrance examinations like CAT etc, your academic profile ,work experience.
********** Then you have to go through WAT i. e written ability test/GDi. e group discussion/PI i. e personal interview, and then you are finally selected for admission on the basis of performance in these rounds , percentile score in CAT etc, academic profile like percentage of marks obtained by you in class 10th, 12th and graduation and work experience. Admission process varies from college to college
For detailed information you can also refer our page the link for the same is provided below
Thank you
Hello candidate
Diploma in Medical Nursing Assistance is a 2 years program that is most appropriate for the understudies who need to work in the field of human services. It is the completely private confirmation level course spreads more than 4 semesters. Every scholastic will comprise of 2 semesters. In India, the expense charged from the hopeful understudies for this program is INR 1 lac, changes relying upon the school.
Some of the colleges that offer this course are:-
- Jamboree education
- Kaaiser Global Education
The jobs that are available for such graduates are:-
Job Profile:
- Private and Government Hospitals
- Nursing Homes
- NGOs
- Healthcare Systems Clinics and
- Community Health Centers (CHCs)
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