Best College in Delhi and Delhi NCR for MBA in HR and Marketing with 70 percentile in CMAT where admissions are going on?
MBA admission 2018 in Delhi NCR: Top 10 MBA colleges with Admission open; know the criteria, fee, placement
MBA admission 2018 in number of top MBA colleges in Delhi NCR is still open although FMS, MDI, IMI, IMT, IIT, LBSIM have closed their MBA admission process. It is expected that most MBA colleges in Delhi will keep their admission open till XAT 2018 and CMAT 2018 results are declared
With varying fee structure between Rs.6 and 10 lakhs very good MBA options in Delhi NCR are still available.
FMS, IIFT, MDI, IMI, IMT are some of thetop MBA colleges in Delhi NCRwhere admission process for 2018-20 batch is closed and all these top MBA colleges are in the process of their final selection round. However, there are other top MBA colleges in Delhi NCR where MBA admission 2018 is not only open but all these top MBA colleges in Delhi NCR may keep their MBA admission 2018 open till the XAT 2018 and CMAT 2018 results are declared in the second week of February.
MBA in Delhi NCR from good MBA college offers great learning experience with high placement opportunity and is a dream for the aspirants who wish to make their career in business and corporate world. With growing opportunities for MBA graduates globally, Delhi and Delhi NCR offers very good MBA options for the all the candidates who have taken any of the national level MBA entrance tests like CAT 2017; XAT 2018; CMAT 2018; MAT 2017-18
Why to choose MBA in Delhi
MBA in Delhi offers good learning experience with more industry interface. Delhi is an important commercial center in South Asia and third largest metropolitan area in IndiaMBA from Delhi NCR offers high placement opportunity. The state has witnessed a phenomenal rise in its service sectors due to its skilled work force having fluency in English speaking, availability of adequate infrastructure, number of Internet and telecom service providers and satellite communication facilitiesThe B-schools located in Delhi NCR do not require entrance exam score as high as that of IIMs, although learning is at par.Apart from offering good learning and higher placement opportunities, B-schools in Delhi also reap the benefit of their strategic location in and around the capital city of the country.
MBA colleges in Delhi with admission open
Delhi is one of Indias top MBA destination. MBA colleges in Delhi can offer you admission not only with CAT 2017 score but also with other exam scores including XAT 2018, CMAT 2018, MAT 2017 and MAT 2018.
BIMTECH, FORE, LBSIM, IMS Ghaziabad, JIMS Rohini, Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, NDIM Delhi, G L Bajaj Greater Noida are also few of the bestMBA colleges in Delhi NCR. If you have 60 percentile in CAT or XAT or 70+ percentile score in CMAT or MAT, you stand a good admission chance.
Following are the top MBA colleges in Delhi NCR where you could still explore admission opportunity
FORE School of Management New Delhi
Admission status:Open
CAT cut off for admission:85
Average Salary for Placement 2017:Rs.9.40 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.14.90 lakhs
Accepting CAT, XAT & GMAT scores:All
BIMTECH, Greater Noida
Admission status:Open
CAT cut off in admission:70
Average Salary for Placement 2017:Rs.7.5 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.11 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores:XAT
EMPI Business School, New Delhi
Admission status:Open
CAT Cut off for Admission:60
Average salary for Placement 2017:Rs.5.45 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.7.40 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores:All
FIIB New Delhi
Admission status: Open
CAT Cut off for Admission: 60
Average Salary for Placement2017: Rs.5.75 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch: Rs.7.20 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores: All
G L Bajaj Institute of Management, Greater Noida
Admission status: Open
CAT Cut off for Admission: 60
Average Salary for Placement2017: Rs.4.50 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch: Rs.5.50 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores: All
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurgaon
Admission status: Open
Average Salary for Placement2017:Rs.10.51 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch: Rs.15.86 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, CAT, GMAT
JIMS, Rohini
Admission status:Open
Average Salary for Placement:Rs.5.5. lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.6.75 lakhs
Other accepted exam Scores:XAT, CMAT, MAT
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Admission status:Open
Average Salary for Placement 2017:Rs.5.78 lakhs
CAT cut off in admission: 70
Fee for 2017-19 batch:Rs.9.25 lakhs
Other accepted exam Scores:XAT, CMAT, MAT
IMS Ghaziabad
Admission status:Open
Average Salary for Placement 2017:Rs.5.23 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.7.50 lakhs
Other accepted exam Scores:XAT, CMAT, MAT
NDIM New Delhi
Admission status: Open
CAT Cut off for Admission: 60
Average Salary for Placement2018: Rs.6.12 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch: Rs.8.25 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores: All
SOIL Gurgaon
Admission status: Open
CAT Cut off for Admission: No cut off prescribed
Average Salary for Placement2017: Rs.9 lakhs
Fee for 2018-20 batch: Rs.14.64 lakhs
Accepting XAT, CMAT, MAT scores: XAT, NMAT by GMAC, Own entrance exam
CoMES-UPES Dehradun
Admission status:Open
Average Salary for Placement 2017:Rs.5.48 lakhs
CAT Cut off in admission: 70
Fee for 2018-20 batch:Rs.12 lakhs
Other accepted exam Scores:XAT, NMAT by GMAC , CMAT, MAT, UPESMET
Delhi National Capital Region including New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida, Greater Noida, Faridabad, Gurgaon offers high placement opportunity as the entire Delhi NCR has close proximity to Industry and corporate sector.
MBA specialization in Marketing, Consulting, International Business, Retail Management, Finance, HR, Public Policy, and other related offers top job opportunities in different sec

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