best college under madras university?
The best colleges under Madras University are:
1. Presidency College
2. Stella Maris College
3. Dvaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College
4. SDN Bhatt Vaishnav College
5. Jaya College of Arts and Science
To know more about the best colleges click Here.
Hope this helps you! All the best for future!
Top college under university of madras are -
1.Loyola institute of business adminstration of financial management and research
3.Loyola college
4.mop vaishnav college
5. Ethiraj college for women
6.Dhanraj baid jain college
7.presidency college
8.Agurchand manmull jain college
9. Stella merris college
10.madras Christian college
Hope this will help you
You can see complete list of college affiliated to madras university here
Thank you