Best universities in Lucknow for from Computer Science which also provide 100% top placements ?
Here is the list of best colleges in Lucknow.
1) Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University
2) Amity University
3) Integral University
4) Institute of Engineering and Technology(IET)
5) Babu Banarasi Das University
6) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
7) B. N College of Engineering and Technology
8) R. R Institute of Modern Technology
Best of luck

Hello Sparsh. You can apply for Amity university, Integral University and BBD university. Although if you apply for AKTU, you get to apply to many colleges affiliated to it like Shri Ramswaroop Memorial college of Engineering and Management. SRMS at Lucknow-Kanpur highway is also a good option.
All the best!