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Hello Aspirant,
In order to download the previous year papers of BITSAT Entrance Exam, You can go through with the given below link.
BITSAT Sample Paper
As the time is very less for the exam so you need to planned well & work smartly to score good in Exam, It is recommended that you must attempt maximum amount of questions and your efficiency also must be good. A lot of practice is required for this.
English Proficiency, this part is slightly tough but you can easily get away with it if you attempt model paper and see pattern of questions asked in exams. I would also suggest you to focus on the most frequently asked questions in the exam.
You can prefer a personalized Preparation course BITSAT 2019 Knock Out It will be helpful for you to prepare the exam smartly with Unlimited Online Mock test, 5,000+ Concepts, formulas and Definitions, Most asked questions, personalized strength and weakness sheet to analyse yourself and more.
Good Luck!
You can refer the link below
Candidates can download BITSAT 5 year's question papers to boost their preparation.
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