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Hello Vikas
Quantitative Ability
NCERT XI-XII: It is the most important source you need to go through in detail in order to have a good chance at getting SSCBS. Modern maths as they call it form 70% of the total questions asked in this section which involves topics from class XI-XII. Make sure you go through the solved examples and the miscellaneous excercises. Most important topics are complex nos, probability, P&C, matrices, differentiation and arithmetic progressions.
Any random objective Mathematics book: 30% of the quant section is made up of basic mathematics which contains the so-callef simple topics like Time,speed and distance, averages, percentages, ratios and proportions. The questions from these topics are not very tough at JAT level and hence should be prepared to get the easy marks.
Brush up your calculations: The easiest way to brush past the competition is to simply be fast. Make sure you know the squares upto 30, cubes upto 20 and are fast in adding and multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers. This would give you the competitive edge.
General/Business Awareness
Newspaper: Make a habit of reading the newspaper for atleast an hour everyday. Don't waste your time reading the entire newspaper. The most important sections are sports, economics, world news and editorials. Write down any important facts you think you might forget and go through your notes every Thursday ( any random day.xd)
Jagran Josh app: It is the best online source for improving your GK and develop as a person in general. It posts weekly current affairs and quizzes based on them which helps in solid preparation. Also you can go through monthly current affairs to give a precise overview of the month. Make sure you go through the current affairs of atleast 7 months before the exam date.
Inshorts: I know it doesn't sound scholarly and serious for exam preparations but it has an interactive format which would make you scroll through news and retain it. Worth giving a shot.
Specific internet searches: Individual searches on Google was the best thing I did to get myself ahead of others. Mark the important topics that come frequently in JAT (national parks, geographical features, awards and honours, taglines) and make separate lists and revise them thoroughly.
Pearson book: Static GK is becoming very important to ace the examination and hence it is necessary to prepare this part. You can go for any static GK book. The Pearson book is a good one though.
Verbal Ability
Word power by Norman Lewis: The best book for proving your vocabulary even at the CAT level. At the JAT level the 1st half of the book based in roots of words on less important ( very important in general) and the second part of the book with a list of tough words is the most important. Find a way to learn those odd 800 words and you would find exact words picked out from the list.
SP Bakshi objective English: It is a good book for preparing homonyms, antonyms and synonyms. Also the best book to prepare one word substitutions and idioms which are the most important topics for JAT.
Logical Reasoning
It is the easiest topic to prepare since the level of LR at JAT is at the beginner's level and you should try and attempt all the 25 questions in this section
Source: A blog
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