bsc cs which subjects are combined and çombination
The syllabus for BSc CS differs from university to University, every University has its own different syllabus for BSC Cs, since you haven't mentioned the name of any University in your question so here I'm telling you the syllabus of BSC CS that most of the University follow:
First year:
Semester 1 (theory):
Fundamentals of computer organisation and introduction to embedded systems
Programming with python-I
Linux fundamentals
Discrete mathematics
Descriptive statistics and introduction to probability
Soft skills development
Semester 1 (practical)
Fundamentals of Computer Organisation & Introduction to Embedded Systems
Programming with Python- I
Linux Fundamentals
Discrete Mathematics
Algorithms and Programming with C
Descriptive Statistics and Introduction to Probability
Semester 2 (theory):
Database Management Systems
Programming with Python- II
Data Structure
Linux Server Administration
Statistical Methods
Green Technologies
Semester 2 (practicals):
Database Management Systems
Programming with Python- II
Data Structure
Linux Server Administration
Statistical Methods
Second year:
Semester 3 (Theory)
Theory of Computation
Operating System
Database Management Systems
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Physical Computing and IoT Programming
Skill Enhancement: Web Programming
Semester 3 (practicals)
Operating System
Database Management Systems
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Physical Computing and IoT Programming
Skill Enhancement: Web Programming
Semester 4 (theory):
Fundamentals of Algorithms
Advanced JAVA
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Linear Algebra
.NET Technologies
Skill Enhancement: Android Developer Fundamentals
Semester 4 (practicals):
Fundamentals of Algorithms
Advanced JAVA
Computer Networks
Linear Algebra
.NET Technologies
Skill Enhancement: Android Developer Fundamentals
Third year:
Semester 5 (theory)
Artificial Intelligence
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Information and Network Security
Web Services
Skill Enhancement: Ethical Hacking
Semester 5 (practicals):
Artificial Intelligence
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Information and Network Security
Web Services
Skill Enhancement: Ethical Hacking
Advanced Web Programming
Semester 6 (Theory):
Cloud Computing
Cyber Forensics
Information Retrieval
Data Science
Skill Enhancement: Optimization Techniques
Semester 6 (practicals):
Cloud Computing
Cyber Forensics
Information Retrieval
Data Science
Project Implementation
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.