bsc food technology colleges in Gujarat
The most efficient way to know about Top Colleges in gujarat for pursuing food technology or other alternate trades/professional courses, is to contact the students studying in those colleges directly.
some college names given below .
- ADPIT-A D Patel Institute of Technology
- AAU-Anand Agricultural University
- PIN-Parul Institute of Nursing
- SDAU-Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University etc.
There are four colleges among which one offers BSc Food technology and the name of this college is Parul Institute of Applied Sciences, Vadodara . Apart from that the other colleges that are offering course related to Food but not food technology but Food and Nutrition kind of subjects which deviates from the sense of Food Technology. This colleges are:
Sheth PT Mahila College of Arts and Home Science, Surat
Matushri Virbaima Mahila Science and Home Science College, Rajkot
Natubhai V Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences, Anand
To know more about Food Technology visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
I hope you are doing well.
Below I’ll be sharing a list of colleges that offer food technology and they are as follows :-
1. Parul Univeristy.
2. Gujarat Forensic Science University.
3. College of food processing technology and bio energy, Anand Agricultural Univeristy.
4. A.D. Patel Institute of Technology.
5. College of Agricultural Engineering, Dediapada, Navsari Agriculture Univeristy.
I hope the above information helps.
All the very best.