bsr collage is a private colege..if i will pass the bed form this insitute...can i get government job from this the certificate...
First of all, it doesn't matter whether you've done BEd from private or government as long as it's recognized by NCTE, it's valid. Moreover, admission to most of the government schools like KVS, NVS, Jawahar Vidyalayas recruit teachers through CTET, there are also state level TET, you can apply in whichever you wish, nowadays a lot of private schools too recruit teachers based on these entrance exam scores.
CERTIFICATE of BED won't provide you jobs in government school as teacher For that you have to qualify their entrance EXAMINATION like TET..BED is just an elligibility criteria for entrance EXAMINATION .If you want get job with your BED experience then you can look for jobs as teacher in private school..
Ask if any query!